TV Show Review: Ash Vs Evil Dead S2E4 “DUI”


Ash Vs Evil Dead S2E4 is titled “DUI” it is about Ash (Campbell) witnessing the event at the end of episode 3 and trying to stop his car after finding out his car is possessed, while in the meantime Ruby (Lawless) and  Kelly (Delorenzo)  are trying to stop Ruby’s “kids” from getting the book before they do. 

*Sorry for the late review*


I like how it started it off, you see Ash sad after he just saw his father get run over by  his Delta and how sad that finally his father believed him after all these years and now he is back to only Pablo (Santiago) and Kelly as the only ones that are by his side in his hometown.

You get to see more of Kelly and Ruby together which we have not seen a lot of in the last few episodes we got to see Pablo and Ruby together mostly about his effects after what she did to him the season finale and now we get see both females trying to hunt Ruby’s kids and we get to see how their dynamic works as both characters are strong females as well as have different backgrounds.

 We get to see Ash and Chet together as Ash is trying to find and catch his Delta to get Pablo and Lacey out and I like that they have a great chemistry, you can really feel like they were very close when they were younger in the show and knowing the background of Ted Rami and Bruce Campbell working together in many things such as past Evil Dead films and the Xena show. Although it is great we get to see them side by side and seeing Ash having another friend to be by his side it is most likely to me that later on Ash will be in a tricky situation with Chet when it comes to deadites. EP.4 ash vs evil dead.jpg


Although for me each episode is very great each episode seems like part of the movies because in my opinion I consider this show to be greater than Army of Darkness and the styling of the show is much high budgeted and great effects, some moments lack a little in this episode than other episodes that have been shown so far this season, but I love each episode they have put out this far. 

Overall I think this episode left me with wanting more and waiting to see what will happen next which I always feel after every episode. I love the comedic moments Ash and Chet had, seeing Pablo’s struggles to grasp reality and his effects from last season, and the dynamic between Ruby and Kelly.  I give S2E4 “DUI” a4.5.png

*For episodes I give individually they will have a different rating, Movies will always be in letter grade format as well as a series, but individual episodes will be by star ratings.*


Published by Sanctuary movie reviews

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